992-998 King’s Road and 2-16 Mount Parker Road, Quarry Bay 

4,467 sqm | Hong Kong

SCENIC were commissioned to prepare the Landscape Master Plan and Tree Preservation Proposal in support of the Section 16 Application for the proposed residential development to the Town Planning Board. The proposed development comprised of two residential arranged on a north – south on a podium structure. The proposals sought to realise significant community benefits including the widening of the pedestrian footpaths and their aesthetic enhancement, the creation of pocket spaces which serve local residents and users of the Mount Parker Road Green Trail, and Mount Parker Road; significant greening of the building façade particularly at the pedestrian level designed to create green corridor effect; and the creation of significant focal point at the southern end of the Application Site with a large cascade. The pocket spaces were designed for public enjoyment designed as places for social interaction and a respite for the weary traveller.