Hong Ning Road Park
24,475sqm | Hong Kong
The existing park was an extremely popular community resource and is well maintained however the design represents an era with different community and environmental aspirations. As one of the major recreation facilities at Kwun Tong district, the new design incorporates five key qualities: it is accessible (both the lower and upper platforms); people will be engaged in activities there; the space is comfortable and has a good image; it is a sociable place: one where people meet each other and take people when they come to visit; and finally, the design adopts green approaches which help the environment. The design envisaged a continuation of the current level of community involvement but also looked to a more social and environmental role for the park, a place for impromptu meetings, as the starting point for group activities, and as a venue for artistic and political expression. It would allow the residents to integrate the park into their everyday lives, as a place to connect with family and friends, and to deepen their sense of community.